We provide affordable, safe, and convenient tree services in the Durango area.

Tree services we offer in Durango, CO

  • Full tree removal near house in Durango, CO.

    Tree Removal

    Every tree removal is different. We can help you mitigate risk to your property while getting the job done quickly.

  • Fire mitigation in Durango, CO to reduce fire risk near home

    Fire Mitigation

    Wildfire mitigation in Southwest Colorado is becoming more necessary every year. Learn what you can do to protect your home.

  • Tree limb removal in Durango, CO


    Pruning the trees around your home is the best way to promote healthy growth and minimize the risk of property damage.

Safe Removal of Trees

Having a tree removed from your property can be a daunting task. Trees can greatly increase a property's value, but if left unmanaged, they can begin to pose a threat to the property or its inhabitants.  At Durango Tree Care, we specialize in safely mitigating the risks associated with complex tree removals, and will walk you through the removal process so you feel comfortable. 

Climbing trees is our specialty. We will safely remove dangerous limbs and large portions of the tree before felling the tree. 

Unsure of whether tree removal is needed? At Durango Tree Care, we first assess your tree to make sure tree removal is the right option. Durango Tree Care provides free consultations which will include an estimated cost if work is needed. 

Ponderosa Removal in Durango

Fire Mitigation

Owning a home in Southwest Colorado means dealing with the potential of wildfires.  As wildfires continue to grow in size and severity, now is the time to invest in fire mitigation work. Between 2021-2022, wildfires accounted for over $11.2 billion in damage across the United States. While you can’t prevent all wildfires from happening, you can make your property resistant to damage and mitigate the risks of damage to your home.  

Durango Tree Care provides a free property assessment.  We will walk around the property and identify the areas that need the most work.  From there we will develop a plan to ensure your property is as safe as possible in the event of a fire.

Dead and hazardous tree removal for fire mitigation


Regular pruning is a great way to promote healthy growth in your trees and reduce the potential for structural damage to your home or property. Pruning unhealthy or dead limbs can also help improve the tree's vigor.

Removing redundant branches can correct the overall form of the tree and allow more light and air to move through the canopy. At Durango Tree Care, we specialize in pruning trees to meet the customer’s needs.

Contact us today for your free consultation
